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              Features of die-cast aluminum material

              Add the time:2019-12-18 16:30:59   Viewed: time    【 big In the small 】   Print   Close the window

              High-pressure and high-speed filling die-casting aluminum molds are two major characteristics of die-casting aluminum. Its common shot-to-shot specific pressure is from a few thousand to tens of thousands of kPa, even up to 2 × 105kPa. Filling speed is about 10 ~ 50m / s, and sometimes even more than 100m / s. The filling time is very short, generally in the range of 0.01 ~ 0.2s.


              1. Good product quality: castings have high dimensional accuracy, which is generally equivalent to 6-7, or even up to 4; surface finish is good, generally equivalent to 5-8; strength and hardness are higher, and strength is generally 25% higher than sand casting ~ 30%, but the elongation is reduced by about 70%; the size is stable and the interchangeability is good; it can die-cast aluminum thin-walled complex castings. For example, the current zinc alloy die-cast aluminum parts can have a small wall thickness of 0.3mm; aluminum alloy cast parts can reach 0.5mm; the small cast hole diameter is 0.7mm; and the small pitch is 0.75mm.

              2. High production efficiency: high machine productivity. For example, the domestic JⅢ3 horizontal cold air die-casting aluminum machine can die-cast aluminum 600 to 700 times in eight hours on average, and the small hot-chamber die-casting aluminum machine can die-cast aluminum 3,000 to 7000 times every eight hours. The die-casting aluminum mold has a long life. One pair of die-casting aluminum molds and die-casting aluminum bell alloys have a service life of hundreds of thousands or even millions of times. It is easy to realize mechanization and automation.

              3. Excellent economic effect: Due to the precise dimensions of the die-cast aluminum parts, the surface is smooth and smooth. Generally no longer use mechanical processing and directly use, or the processing volume is small, so it not only improves the metal utilization rate, but also reduces a lot of processing equipment and man-hours; the castings are cheap; the combined die-casting aluminum can be used for other metal or non-metal materials . Save both assembly man-hours and metal.

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